Mangroves, intertidal zonesecosystems, are characterized by the presence of specific species such as mangroves. In Côte d’Ivoire, the mangrove is accompanied by a characteristic flora which remains little studied. In this study, it is subject to inventory the flora present in forest ecosystems of mangroves in Azagny National Park (ANP) and those of Ehotilé Islands National Park (EINP). The floristic compositions, diversity and structures of these different mangroves are also compared. Twenty inventory plots were placed in each mangrove in the parks studied. A floristic list of 114 companion species had been drawn up for swamps in ANP. Regarding the EINP, 171 plant species have been inventoried. The most common companion plant species in the mangroves of ANP are Echinochloa pyramidalis, Culcasiaangolensis, and Calamus deerratus. The most frequent plant species in the EINP on the different plots are Cercestisafzelii (1), Homaliumletestui (0.85), Baisseaaxillaris (0.85). The great variation in this diversity of species from one site to another may be related to the soil diversity. The mangroves of the EINP have a greater flora richness than those of the ANP.
Type de document
Date de publication (du fichier / URL)
20 avril 2022
Aichi targets
2. Biodiversity values integrated
C. Safeguarding ecosystem
Côte d'Ivoire