Document type
Based on the literature and an ethnomycological survey in the dense rainforests of Ivory Coast now counts sixty-seven species. All species are listed and local names are given in Abidji, Bété and Gban languages. Two edible species from the genus Agrocybe are reported: Agrocybe broadwayi (Murril) Dennis and A. elegantior Watling. Full morphological descriptions and illustrations are given for both taxa, as well as an identification key including most related txaxa in Agrocybe. Ethnomycological data present basic use of these taxa and suggest that local people recently started using this species for food, particulary A. elegantior.
Publication date (of file/URL)
28 June 2022
Aichi targets
19.2. Biodiversity knowledge, the science base and technologies are widely shared and transferred and applied
Gouvé_YIAN.pdf13.97 MB
Côte d'Ivoire